
KIM JONG-UN's Pyongyang Style 

Après "Gangnam Style", le succès mondial K-pop sud-coréen de Park Jae-sang a.k.a. Psy, c'est au tour du nord-coréen Kim-Jong-un, a.k.a. "le roi de l'étoile du matin", de plonger la terre dans une torpeur spatiale. Le nom de sa performance orbitale : "Pyongyang Style", lancée moins de 10 jours avant la supposée fin du monde.

After "Gangnam Style", the worldwide K-pop success of South Korean Park Jae-sang a.k.a. Psy, it's now time for North Korean Kim Jong-un, a.k.a "the King of the Morning Star", to plunge the Earth into a space torpor. The name of his orbital performance is "Pyongyang Style", launched less than 10 days before the so-called End of the World.

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